Sandi Watkins

Mother of 7, Making a Difference

Sandi Watkins is an experienced network marketing professional and leader in a young nutritional company based in Lehi, Utah. From her home in Spokane, Washington, Sandi leads a growing team of customers and distributors by providing effective systems, no-nonsense coaching, loving support, and visionary leadership.

Sandi got started in direct sales over 27 years ago and has been a thriving business owner and home-based entrepreneur ever since. Her focus has always been on opportunities that would allow her to leverage her time as a busy mom raising and homeschooling seven children.

Passionate and animated when on stage, Sandi exudes a quiet confidence in private, rooted in her belief that network marketing is the best profession to be in. She knows from experience it’s a viable business with unlimited income potential regardless of the economic climate, and that anyone can build it as long as they apply some basic principles, proven methods, and unwavering dedication.

After being a single mom, Sandi met her soulmate around the same time she found her current company in 2013. Travis and Sandi are looking forward to expanding their business, taking their children to see the world, and making a difference together.

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Garrett McGrath
