Network marketing pros will be attending from hundreds of companies and many countries around the world. Taking the stage to teach, train and inspire YOU, additionally we've assembled the BEST of the BEST – over 50+ Million-Dollar-per-year income earners, internationally-recognized thought leaders, mentors to millionaires, expert panel members and highly-skilled contributors – to make it the largest, best and by far the best VALUE of any event in the history of our profession.
The earnings personally generated by this world-class faculty now total almost of $1 BILLION dollars. There will also be tons of 6-figure-per-year earners, 7-figure-per-year-earners, rising stars and legendary leaders in attendance at the convention. In addition, many company executives and owners will also participate as we share best practices and foundational, timeless success principles. This weekend's agenda, speakers and participants reads like the 2016 Who's Who of Network Marketing success history!
This is our 12th Annual International Convention. Many of the attendees from last year purchased as many tickets for this event as they could, so as a result we are already almost sold out. The tickets are going fast, so if you and any of your top leaders plan on attending, and you don’t have your tickets yet, you should get them TODAY!
You’ll enjoy a total of approx. 35 chock-full hours of world-class learning over the course of four days! And with tickets starting at just $99, there is no other event even close – the ANMP Convention remains the #1 BEST VALUE in Network Marketing – period.
You will hear from many different leaders of different backgrounds, previous careers, ages, personalities, nationalities– just about every type of leader you could imagine... but they will speak as a team, with a deep, broad perspective on the important mindset, attitudes, business skills and the fundamentals that are so unique to Network Marketing – everything you want you and every distributor on your team to master. There will be hands-on training and mentorship, workshop-style role playing and powerful mindset exercises unlike anything you've ever experienced. You will be immersed in this environment amongst the best in the world, learning alongside your peers, all weekend. There is no other experience more effective than this to instill in you and your team every skill and attitude you need to be successful – and take your income, your business and your lifestyle to a whole new level!
Where else can you learn from 50+ of the most incredible leaders that Network Marketing has ever seen and learned from, on one stage, in one weekend, for this price? Just $99 gets you and your team members in the door, and into every single General Admission training session for 4 days - but hurry, the block of $99 tickets won't last long! Or for just $199 you also get to share your lunches and dinner alongside the GREATS... just imagine the conversations you will have and what you will learn! Or for just $297, you get EVERYTHING – the all access pass, the VIP Party, the Awards Banquet, seating in front, you get it ALL (and then some: you also receive the DVD set from ANMP 2013 and 2014 video set!). It's easy to see why the ANMP 2016 Convention is the #1 most value-driven event to ever be held in the entire history our Profession.